Friday, January 23, 2009


Capture in your minds eye for a moment the ideal of what the church body could do if we had vision. We have the potential to be an unstoppable force if we could only have God-given vision along with the faith to match. What is the scripture?; "if you have faith even the size of a mustard seed, you can move mountains." So many of us Christians would claim to have faith, even faith with actions... But, what the church needs more than anything in these times, are visionary faith leaders. Believe you me, faith is vision and visa versa vision is faith.

The most influential church leaders, missionaries, and even secular leaders are the ones who've had vision and tenacity (i.e. faith). History was founded by men and women who stuck to their visionary guns even through hard times. Rather than sitting and working towards figuring out what their future would hold, the took hold of something I fondly call the "now opportunity" seeing the potential instead of searching for their "reality".

What if we stopped searching for "the faith" to witness, and entered into vision- the of seeing a country who's heart is turned back to God. What if we already saw that as potential, instead of searching to see if it is a possible reality. To heck (slang yes, be glad I used it :) with our supposed reality and revel in the possibilities. God is above circumstances; thus, shouldn't we as His trusting children, have the ability to see beyond our circumstances with the vision of God before us. God would will that all would serve him and enter the kingdom of Heaven... therefore it wouldn't be incredulous to claim that vision for ourselves here on earth, in the midst of our circumstances.

Doesn't scripture say that God's desire is to prosper us and never to harm us? Therefore can we capture a vision that is in line with His promises? Much of this is faith, however, there is a whole other step we can take in faith that leads us into the land of vision. This is what I am hoping to portray in this blog.

The founders of our country were visionary men, men who had an ideal of freedom. Freedom of religion and then the freedom to be an independent country. Had there not been this vision... had these men been content with their circumstances and content to just "trust God through them" rather than step into the vision that God would have for them, we would not be here today. It took visionary men to invent much of the commodities we have today; had they been content with their reality, there would be no electricity, medicine, hospitals, toilets, electronics, cars, heat, air, etc. Vision.

What we need as a church, is visionary men and women. People to have the creativity to see outside of reality and grasp in their minds eye the possibility. Then, not only to have some grand vision, but for it to be so real to them, that they walk in faith towards that cause. This should be the place of the church. We should be a creative, innovative people for the Lord; for His Kingdom.

I encourage you, do you have a dream; a vision? Hold it dear and work towards that vision. Vision is what moves things, it brings necessary change and breeds hope. Vision is a source of strength and a wellspring of delight. Productive vision is sincerely lacking today as the devil has found so many outlets to use to zap us of any "need" for creative juices. However, it is time for it to rise up again. It is time for the Apostle Paul's, George Washington's, John Adam's, Martin Luther's, Martin Luther King Jr's, David Livingston's, Albert Einstein's, etc. to rise up again and claim for Christ was what created by Him in the first place.... VISION!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Seasons Come and They Go

God's ways are definitely beyond my own. I will never know what He is thinking until I have arrived to the end of my story.

As it is, I am only 21 going on 22 and my story already has so many twists and turns that figuring out how it will end would be impossible except for His promise of His goodness.

Many know but, for those of you who don't... my company that I've worked for going on or over 5 years is closing. I don't know how long they're going to allow me to sit here in my office yet; but, I know it won't be for too much longer. In the face of that however, I find peace. In the face of my current circumstance... not yet having another job lined up, etc. I am happy! The Lord keeps reminding me of His goodness and His providence. For instance, let me tell you a story.

Yesterday, as I was at work... while I was in the middle of a conversation with my boss in regards to finding work, what she's going to do, what I'm going to do, what about my wedding, etc. I received a phone call from my mother, "Hannah, when do you get off?",

"At around 5:30ish." I answered, "Why?"

"Well, I'm standing here looking at the most beautiful dress (wedding dress that is), and if it's as stunning on you as it is on this hanger it'll be a miracle."

I didn't get my hopes up... there's no way this dress could be perfect. It was only $115.00- ordered off of Ebay... first one I will ever have tried... period... the FIRST!

Well, I got home that evening... came back to mom's room and slipped on this beautiful dress. People, it fit like a glove! No alterations necessary PERIOD! Not only that but it looks like it was made for me and I for that dress. A more lovely dress I have NEVER seen in my life. This IS THE DRESS! And, it has to go down in history as the most pain free dress purchase there ever was. It came with everything I'll need for it, and the only thing I will have to do is steam it. Wow!

Now tell me, that it's not God who provides a gift like that? Tell me that He didn't know that He was interrupting a conversation with someone in regards to how "we'll make it" to give me something extravagent and filled with hope and dreams of a future and His promise of provision?! Tell me He didn't make THAT DRESS FOR ME! Ya'll I'm the only one who's ever worn it too... it still had the tags on it. That dress God made for me and for THIS SEASON!

Thank you God not only for provision, but for Your divine blessings!