Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Can You Rest?

Sometimes, words just simply aren't enough.
This past week has been so abundantly overflowing with the richness of God.
Do you know my God as one who gives much more abundantly than one could ever ask or think? I know Him.
He is the one who knows my deepest desires, and in turn, gives only what is better!
In uncertain times, of this I am truly certain: my Father will more - than sustain me. How do I know this? He has always been a more - than Father to me... He's unchanging... so He must be planning to always provide in this way, for His daughter.
His sustaining grace hasn't always been recognized by me. This is due to my understanding being so far below His and visa versa, His ways being so far above my own. He knows that to reach me and to provide for me, he must go deeper than I can myself, possibly go. I see the superficial need, the need that is on the surface, He see's the needs of my heart and of my soul. He will always reach these before He ever touches the surface.
Thus, though at first, I may not see His hand reaching into my circumstances, I can know that I know His hand is there!
Thus, just as was shared this past Sunday, I can be continually encouraged even when discouragement is the trend of the world and... even some believers.
Why? Because I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that God is going to more-than sustain me. He is going to touch and enrich my very being. Circumstances are surface issues, while larger issues are being dealt with,. My soul, my inheritance, my very worth is wrapped up in His loving arms even through these days.
I rest, I in fact am at peace knowing that I am in my Father's care. Can you rest?


Liz Overton said...

Thanks for the encouragement/challenge! I haven't been "resting" very well lately. I've allowed circumstances, desires, frustrations, etc. to get me a little discouraged and stressed out.
But you're absolutely right--my God more than sustains me. And he has always met my needs, far beyond what I ever could have imagined or dreamed of. It's grievious to me how easy it is to forget that sometimes!
I can't wait to listen to the CD of this week's message. It sounds great--and sounds like it's a message I need to hear! :)

Justin said...

That's good stuff my love

"He see's the needs of my heart and of my soul. He will always reach these before He ever touches the surface."

It reminds me of the hymn (which we haven't sung in a while) "Praise to the Lord, Almighty" (or whatever it's called). My favorite line of the song is this...

"Hast thou not seen how thy desires e'er have been granted in what he ordaineth"