Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Desirving of Much Thanks

It is time for me to express my limitless gratitude and humble thanks to someone who desirves the moon and more right now.
The scripture says: "Greater love has no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friend." Today the need for someone to literally die for a friend (well here in the U.S.) is rare to pretty much, non exsistant. However, what is some of the things we Americans hold dearest?

Emotional Stability,

In essence, if we were to re-write that scripture in the language of the modern day American it might say something like this: "Greater love has no man than this, that he lay down his, personal comforts, time, emotions, money and consistent way of living for his friend."

Wow, and the scripture says we are to love one another "in this way". That is a high calling, that very few will ever attain.

However, may I praise one in our midst who is and has been doing for quite sometime just that for me?

My mother, Sheila Atchley, has been pouring countless hours, her hard earned and long saved money, her comfort, her emotions, her everyday stability, her availability, her physical comfort, etc, etc, etc,... into ensuring that May 15th is a day I'll remember as one of the most beautifully perfect days of my life.
Not only has she embraced the change that is about to come (my marrying and cleaving to my husband), but she has labored to make it possible even far beyond what I could ever dream of putting into it myself.
In times of uncertainty and times never before seen in this family... deep spiritual battles.... she's labored to not only be the mother over her children, the wife to her husband and the homemaker that is the foundation of this home....... but the wedding planner to end all wedding planners. How can one do so much?

It would be more than enough right now for her to just "cope" with everything that is happening right now, and if she did just that she'd amaze many. Believe you me, these are no small, trifling times.... but, beyond coping she rises to be the wife that dad needs, and more, the mother that homeschools and nurtures her children,... even when it's not appreciated, and the homemaker that makes coming home a pleasure.... and does all of this for me.

If anyone is a walking talking testimony of grace right now that would be my mother. I pray for more over her in these coming days... and I pray for blessing beyond measure.

Mom, you'll never know how blessed I've been by you. I know the depth of what it takes for you to do this, only in the smallest sense and even that stuns me.
Your love for me, brings me to tears.

You truly are and forever will be my best friend (other than my husband of course:)

I love you,

Thank you,


1 comment:

Sheila Atchley said...

Ooooh daughter. I am JUST NOW reading this...

::wiping tears::

Thank you....

Two weeks away, well, less than that, really. I love you.