*For the full effect of this post, tune to the song "Your Love is Extravagent" on my playlist.
What is it to love extravagantly?
What is the definition of extravagant?
excessive: unrestrained, especially with regard to feelings; "extravagant praise"; "exuberant compliments"; "overweening ambition"; "overweening ... recklessly wasteful; "prodigal in their expenditures" wordnet.princeton.edu/perl/webwn
exceeding the bounds of something; extreme; exorbitant
So when we sing “Your love, is extravagant” we are in essence, singing: “Your love is unrestrained, recklessly lavished upon me, it has no bounds. You love me to the extreme causing my cup, my heart, my soul and my joy to run over. Your love sets me free and releases me… as I am the prodigal, it is Your love that welcomes me home, and not only do You welcome me home, you would be considered by the world today “recklessly wasteful” on me.You give me only the best, and I am the apple of Your eye.Your ambition for my life, is far greater and far more than I could even imagine. Not only that, but in Your love you prepare and train me in order for me to succeed. You’ve given me all the tools I need to conquer the whiles of the devil.You’re love protects and shelters me, it lifts me up when I am afraid and in Your love You chastise me when I start to stray into dangerous areas. You love deeper than and earthy father or mother ever could. Your love goes deeper than even my understanding because I’ve nothing to compare Your love to… all else is dung in comparison.Oh Lord, how undeserving am I, to be the recipient of such love as You offer me freely.”
Two things my love. First, I really like your description of His love being "recklessly wasteful" on us - that's a great description of it.Secondly, how exactly does an "earthy father" love?
I'm so glad I found your blog. I'm a friend of your mom's (we shared too-brief-a-time in person, and the rest is all virtual - but real :-) Your writing reflects her and yet is all your own, and I really enjoy it. Your photography is beautiful as well! Blessings to you - and give your mama a hug for me.
Hello Donna Jean!
I know who you are! I'm honored that you check out my blog and "enjoy" it as well!!
I'll give mom a hug and I'm sure she'll send a vitual one back : )
This blessed me, Hannah!
Hannah, I am moved to tears this morning. I have looked forward to visiting your blog, every since I saw it on facebook. I so moved by the depth of your spirit. I've known for a while now that the love you have for our Lord is deep. Your smile and your sweet spirit blesses me daily at work. Thank you for sharing your heart and your walk with our Lord so freely. I can only wish and pray that more people will find your blog and be just as blessed. God bless you beautiful girl, always keep your eyes focused on our Lord and He will guide your every step.
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