You know the scripture, “The joy of the Lord is your strength”
--I know you do.
But, do you walk according to that scripture? Do I walk according to that scripture. What about the tough seasons? The times in your life where everything feels heavy, and times are hard.
What about the times when circumstances feel overwhelming (but never really over-whelming because God promises it will never make it there)?
How do we walk in the joy of the Lord through these times?
How do we walk in the joy of the Lord through these times?
I confess I haven’t been. Times have been difficult emotionally for me. Does that mean circumstances have been really hard?
Not necessarily… though they’re not easy they’re not terrible either.
It's been simply, a season of learning God’s will for my life, which requires dying to self, which, by the way, isn’t always a walk in the park.
So, how can I find the joy of the Lord in order that I can walk through this with His strength?
My dad always said, that the surest way to be happy, or to have joy, is through thankfulness.
(The above isn’t in quotes because I’m paraphrasing, those aren’t exact words; however, they are the same concept.)
It’s the truth, the quickest way to depressions is to be ungrateful, and visa versa, the surest way to find joy, is through thankfulness.
Do not despise or take for granted anything the Lord has given to you, because as sure as I stand here today it will be the cause of your ruin.
There is such strength to be drawn from recognizing that you are thankful (for instance) for your family.
Think and reflect for a moment on your spouse, kids, sister, brother, parents, cousins, grandparents…god parents. Reflect on the happy moments, on the joys they’ve brought you, on the significance of theirpresence in your life, and find yourself being thankful.
Think about your friends, the strength they’ve provided when you’ve needed it, the laughs, the hurts…everything. Find yourself thankful for being surrounded by multitudes who care for and love you, allhandpicked by God for your benefit.
Think about the smallest moments in a day where something touched your heart…. Find yourself being thankful.
I have news for you, if you’re thankful, if you’re finding yourself mulling over the things in your life that you’re thanking God for, you are finding yourself thankful and you’re building up your spirit.
That is the joy of the Lord, and this, is your strength.
Your strength, my strength, is being always able to find something to give thanks about which in turngives us joy, which in turn gives us a continual access to strength.
The world doesn’t have this, thus, they’re without hope. We brothers and sisters in Christ, have hope.Always, we will hope and always we will be joyful, because what is there that’s greater than what He’s already given us?
I'm thankful for my handsome man, Justin. Who's passionately in love with Jesus and also, passionately in love with me. :)
I'm thankful for this moment, the beauty that comes with the journey.
What you've posted is so true. I need to be thankful and recognize what I do have rather than be bogged down by what I don't. To dwell on those things just saps our joy and our strength.And one more thing...Of course Rambo can't love you bestest... I do!
If that puppy were not mine, too, I'd be jealous of you! ACK!
>>> lol lol lol <<<
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